This course consists of lectures and labs. While lectures cover conceptual and theoretical material, labs walk students through concrete code and help them get started on the assignments. To get the most out of the lab sessions, students should bring their laptops to class and follow along.
This course centers around four MPs, and a final project (FP), in which students build an original web application in 3-4 person teams. Late assignments will receive absolutely no credit; however, each student gets three 24-hour late days that can be used for MPs. (Late days cannot be used for the final project.)
There is an in-class midterm on October 16th; if you cannot attend the midterm for some reason, you will need to make alternative arrangements at least two weeks in advance. There is no final exam.
Students are encouraged to use any and all resources available to complete programming assignments. However, students must clearly cite any contributing source. Support libraries that provide assigned functionality may not be linked or copied into programming assignments, but their source code may be consulted provided it is subsequently cited. It is absolutely essential to note that failure to cite any contributing source will be considered cheating regardless of the reason for the omission. Likewise, verbatim duplication of any source will always be considered plagiarism.